.:: 每一个心情是诗 阅读是一种幸福 音乐是生命的旋律 照片是生活一点一滴的记忆::.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

First Time Gardener ^^

oOOoooo.... my weekend not as exciting as Jian Ping's... no fishing no badminton no cycling =P its cleaning day today so I woke up at 11.30am to start cleaning the kitchen.. the 2 pigs are still in wonderland, cheryl is cramming for test... and nicole is all lovey dovey with her bf hahahaa but I prefer cleaning on my own, cuz I can take my time, listen to songs, blogging and clean at my own pace =)

Half way cleaning the kitchen, I decided to move on to the garden to pluck all the weeds .... using only 2 gloves which I found from the kitchen! hahahaa yes kitchen gloves!!!

This bunch of grass gave me a hard time... I've tried all ways to remove this stubborn roots.. rotational, horizontal and vertical directions all attempted but just wouldn't tear out... I then recall meteor garden's 杉菜..... the meaning of wild grass... Meanwhile, I was hoping to find some new interesting species like HinChing's dad did which made world news!!!! And what I found was........

OK this is the most interesting species I found ... the others were like boring worms, grasshoppers......

o0oo this is like the only flower in the garden... at least Im able to differentiate the good and bad plants ok.. haha so precious~

After all my hard work.. OK whos going to finish up the mess now?

3pm: Everyone is out to help cleaning now woooohooo.. I better finish up my work too ohhhhhhhhh the legendary Chan's megastick.... (Phobaeticus chani, world's longest insect and HinChing's dad) taken this year....

Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :)

ohh I then used the BBQ spatula to help me pluck that bunch of stubborn grass out =)

Friday, November 28, 2008


そんな表情(かお)で 僕に触れないで
ねぇどうして 黙ってるの?

元気そうで よかったけれど
それがなぜか 聞けなかった
僕は今を 抱きしめる

恋だとか 愛だとか
カタチなんて どうでもいい
泣きたいほど 切なくなるよ

好きだから 貴女の
きっと 僕にはできない

もしも 今が 幸せなら
ずっと そばにいられなくてもいい
見つめあえば 何も言えないよ

貴女は僕の 大切な人だから

ふたり 距離が もどかしい
泣けないほど 切なくなるよ

好きなのに 想いの
もっと 僕にはできない

もしも 今が 幸せなら
ずっと そばにいられなくてもいい
想うだけで 何もいらないよ

貴女は僕の 大切な人だから

ねぇ僕には 何ができるだろう?
だって貴女は 今も優しい
それがなぜか 聞けなくて
僕は 夢を抱きしめる

Thursday, November 27, 2008



Tuesday, November 25, 2008


每次我總 一個人走
交叉路口 自己生活

這次你卻說帶我走 某個角落 就你和我
像土壤抓緊花的迷惑 像天空纏綿雨的洶湧

在你的身後 計算的步伐每個背影每個場景 都有發過的夢

帶我走 到遙遠的以後
帶走我 一個人自轉的寂寞
帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫
我不怕 帶我走

保持沉默 不皺眉頭
如此溫柔 從此以後

像土壤抓緊花的迷惑 像天空纏綿雨的洶湧
在你的身後 計算的步伐每個背影每個場景

帶我走 到遙遠的以後
帶走我 一個人自轉的寂寞
帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫
我不怕 帶我走

停在海岸結成了沫 哦~


帶我走 到遙遠的以後
帶走我 一個人自轉的寂寞
帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫
我不怕 帶我走

帶我走 就算我的愛 你的自由 都將成為泡沫

Monday, November 24, 2008

Nuuude ><

First nude photo session ever on Saturday ^^
Wish I can share the OTHERS but of course they are only for.... :) :) :) :)

p.s. Thanks to WN, SY n my partner in crime Pris

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pretty Accurate!

你出生日期所隱藏的秘密 :)

1号 富有独立精神的野心家。因为包容心强又喜欢照顾别人,身边会围绕许多仰慕者。

Cyril^^ 2号 性格温柔,喜爱和平,是个感情丰富的浪漫主义者。缺点是容易为一点小事就受伤害。

  3号 洋溢艺术天分,虽然性情令人捉摸不定,但是基本上还是属於受欢迎的一型。

  4号 严谨认真,凡事都会脚踏实地努力耕耘。不过自我意识颇强烈,不善於和他人协调。

  5号 脑筋动得很快,拥有适应变化的能力。喜欢追求刺激,较难安於现状。

6号 个性温和而且稳重。最大的特色就是不论对任何人,都可以表现得既亲切又宽大。

  7号 感受力敏锐,非常懂得察言观色。不过缺乏和周围协调的能力,注意不要变得太自我中心

  8号 一旦下定决心,便充满干劲全力以赴。这种个性的人朋友多,敌人也多。

  9号 善解人意,又富有博爱精神。容易感情用事,也容易受到环境左右。

  10号 意志力坚强,不服输,独立心也十分旺盛。需注意不要流於莽撞行事。

  11号 性格浪漫又多愁善感,是个肯努力的理想主义者,能够尽情享受丰富的人生。

  12号 具有华丽高贵的气质,对各种事物都抱有兴趣,常识丰富,教养良好。

Sophie^^  13号 个性冷静谨慎,即使再细微的细节也能注意到。再加上本性诚实,能得到许多人的信赖。

  14号 头脑清楚,好奇心旺盛,乐於追求快感,又行事冲动;不可思议的是运气总是很好,很少失败。

Sheri^^  15号 意志力很强,立定目标後无论遇上任何挫折,都会排除万难达成。通常都很喜欢照顾别人。

Daddy & Michiyo^^  
16号 聪明、做事情有条理,不轻易受别人影响,做什麽都有自己的一套。

  17号 平常看起来温和体贴,其实主观很强,有时候会出现大胆行动,让身边的人大吃一惊。

Darling^^  18号 性格非常极端,不是意志坚定勇往直前;就是感情用事随波逐流。

  19号 想像力丰富,有个性又有才华。不过自尊心很强,而且有好强不服输的倾向。

  20号 是个性喜和平的浪漫主义者 。运气虽然不错,但如太过任性,将会遇上意想不到的挫折。

  21号 开朗快活,充满活力,到哪里都很有人气。是凡事都往好处想的乐天主义者。

  22号 认真而且责任感很强,只要不刚愎自用,做生意成功的机率很大。

  23号 挑战心旺盛,学什麽都能很快上手。问题是喜新厌旧,而且欠缺耐性。

  24号 拥有敦厚慈爱的人品,所以即使个性神经质,遇到低潮时,身边的人都愿意伸出援手。

ME!! ^o44^  25号 看事情不求深入,随著好奇心行动,到处累积经验。个性独立。热爱自由。

  26号 耐压力特强,即使肩头责任重大,也能够处理得稳稳当当,是个实行主义者。

Gary^^  27号 有个性□感情也丰富。拥有应付各种状况的机智,若能掌握时机,成为成功人士的机会很大。

  28号 韧性很强,拥有战胜困难的力量。这天出生的女性,常给人一种妖□的印象。

Mummy^^ 29号 人生的道路似乎波折不断,容易感情用事不过运气和生命力都很强,必定能够成功,获得幸福。

  30号 拥有语言文笔艺术等天分。 缺点是容易沈浸於逸乐,而缺乏责任感。

  31号 诚实认真很清楚自己的人生目标,能依照自己的信念和原则过一辈子。但个性有些顽固。

Monday, November 17, 2008


Its 2am now.. and I'm going to bed very soon :) I was planning to cram till 6am merely due to my guilt over napping for 4 hours unintentionally this afternoon.

The exam stress has obviously not hit me yet. Am feeling stressed because I haven't found myself stressing over exams yet. I should get a bit more tense so that I stop procrastinating. But I have been working on the case studies and I could have done more today ><

The back support cushion that I bought for my dad has arrived today! ^^ I tried using it while I was studying (with the plastic wrap still on) and realised I had been placing it the other way round. Then I started doubting if I am a physio student and soon-to-be graduate.

The PCR session was quite helpful today. Had Japanese food for lunch with Gene, Yang and Sachi. Been trying to help my dad to organize his "number lost count" gambling trip to Genting Highland before christmas. I would actually prefer to go to Macau but AirAsia doesnt fly to Macau anymore :( and dad is going to Macau this weekend with his buddies for more gambling sessions so he prefers to go to KL. So from physio POV, back pain doesn't actually help to stop gambling habit, it's definitely one of the risk factors for his back pain for prolonged sitting in the plane and the casino. Hehe plus he will sure lose money, another risk factor for back pain as a result of increased stress level.

Ohhhh I just ate my last mokomoko (from Takashi).... I was starving in the middle of the night. Checked the fridge 3 times. Nothing good to eat as expected. And decided to sacrifice this precious thing that I have kept for ages. hehehee I strongly recommend you guys to try it~ Its easy to make and you can get it from the asian stores in NorthBridge.

MokoMoko ^^ (Instant CupCake)

Add one egg (and instant coffee if you like), mix well together then heat it up in the microwave for 1.5 mins and the result......

oOooooo obviously a few minor miscalculations had influenced the result. Haha. The cup was a bit too small for the cupcake. So I squeezed it down a bit before taking this photo =P

Takashi a bit upset recently cuz I haven't been spending much time skyping with him over 1/52. He managed to book a time to talk to me at 2.30am so I better get ready now :) :) :) :)

[12:57:18 AM] yt says: いつも
[12:57:31 AM] yt says: 食べる:勉強=70:30

[12:57:34 AM] yt says: へへ
[12:57:38 AM] yt says: no
[12:57:59 AM] yt says: 寝る:食べる:勉強=50:20:10???

[12:58:12 AM] yt says: no
[12:58:48 AM] yt says: 貴志:寝る:食べる:勉強=99:0.7:0.2:0.1

[12:59:32 AM] yt says: okok
[1:00:00 AM] yt says: おまえの 頭脳 も 「もこもこ」

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I believe

You are the only one
who can save me from myself.

You are the only one
who would save me from myself.

Saturday, November 8, 2008


我和你啊 存在一種危險關係
彼此挾持 這另一部分的自己

相愛變成 猜忌懷疑的爛遊戲
規則是要 憋著呼吸越靠越近
但你的溫柔 是我唯一沉溺
你是愛我的 就不怕有縫隙

讓一切歸零 在這聲巨響
我不掙扎 反正我也 沒差

相愛變成 猜忌懷疑的爛遊戲
規則是要 憋著呼吸越靠越近
但你的溫柔 是我唯一沉溺
你是愛我的 就不怕有縫隙

讓一切歸零 在這聲巨響
我不掙扎 反正我也 沒差 哦

你滿意嗎 我們都別 說謊

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Photo for CV

oOooo... this is the best most formal picture I can find to attach on my resume....

Introduce you my "sa bao" (what yenwei always calls) or takoyaki (by T)
Fake Smile I know T.T

I've been working on my CV for the past few days and finally sent it to 5 employers today~ for sure there are many job opportunities out there in Melbourne.. but I havent actually decided where I want to work yet... public... private... public... private... public.... private....

I should probably focus on my PCR exam first.... 2 weeks to go... I should stress more... And I am sooooooo happy now because ......... its weekend soon :D