.:: 每一个心情是诗 阅读是一种幸福 音乐是生命的旋律 照片是生活一点一滴的记忆::.

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Biru <3

Revealing my pup's name for the first time. Yes! dear is getting me a puppy n it's arriving tomorrow XD we r calling it biru~ biru~~~~~ biruuuuuuuuu~~~~ sounds weird at first but I'm getting very used to it quickly now.

In fact, I think I'm suffering some kind of prenatal depression.. I'm starting to worry about being a good responsible dog owner, who's gonna clean the pee, pick up the shit, walk the dog 30mins everyday, how about my arvo nap? My usual freedom~~~

Too late now. Will see how my first week goes with biru. Can't wait.


Unknown said...

44....... long time no see...
wat breed is your Biru? take photos upload here see see.. Kekeke...

Issa Mommy said...

Hey Ken~~~~ how r uuu! Ya I'll post some pics ya~~ it's Japanese breed, shiba inu :)