.:: 每一个心情是诗 阅读是一种幸福 音乐是生命的旋律 照片是生活一点一滴的记忆::.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Zai zai 今天介绍的 epic cafe

一杯 L' angelina Hot Chocolate 就可以让我幸福一整天

开心其实很简单 :)

很期待今晚去吃 chilli mussels.....

明天又要去海边啦~~~~~ 啦啦。。。。

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yan said...

you seemed to have more free time working than when you were studying!

Issa Mommy said...

wahahahahhahahaaaaaaaaaaa...... u will soon have more free time like me too...... hang in there yaa!!!! :)