.:: 每一个心情是诗 阅读是一种幸福 音乐是生命的旋律 照片是生活一点一滴的记忆::.

Monday, February 9, 2009


woooo bought a magazine today and it costs me RM44.50 ............
so damn exxxxx!! =.=

but I really wanted it ><
Here's my craziness....

Ate 2 really yummy chinese style pork buns @ damaiii ^^

then groomed Nisha~~~~~ spent like 2 hours =.=
I seriously think my skill has much much improved keke
Here's the result....

ohhhh before:

and after: (keke)
元気な Nisha~ ^^

Sho sick of cyril and sheri, kept repeating the damn ken lee thing on youtube......
in case u r interested: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQt-h753jHI

ooo0oooo going back to Perth SOON! so shopping tomorrow!!!! ^^

miss Takashiii...... T.T

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