Monday, November 26, 2007
Saturday, November 24, 2007
3 more weeks
I got a bit stressed today so started doing some Cardio revision. Not very productive though. I need to however get myself prepared for my placement which starts next week. So I was just asking Sachi how to get to the hospital on Monday by bus or train. And realized I've never really used the public transport much since I came to Perth for 4 years. Probably once or twice when I went to the Royal Show last year & the year before with cousins of course. So Cyril offered to take me to the train station tomorrow & he will basically teach me how to get there. HaHa. Since we have to meet Yoko in Northbridge for lunch tomorrow. We will just take the train, instead of driving there. Lucky to have Cyril here (he's now making supper for me again) Hehehe.
It was a bit sad to see the former PM, John Howard giving his final speech on the stage, as I've become familiar with his face on TV since I came to Australia. So today Australia has a new prime minister, Kevin Rudd. I don't know anything about politics but I know he can speak fluent Mandarin. Impressive.
I guess I have to wake up early from Monday for the next 3 weeks, living the early bird concept. I will definitely need to work really hard to find my feet & hopefully everything is going to be OK ^^ & I can thoroughly enjoy my holiday afterwards.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
周杰伦 - 我不配
玻璃上有霧氣,誰被隱藏起過 去妳臉上的情緒,
又斑駁了幾句 ,剩下搬空回憶的我在大房子裡,
妳跟自己 下棋還來不及,仔仔細細,
寫下妳的關於描述我如何愛妳,妳卻微笑的離我而去這感覺已經 不對,
在妥協是我忽 略妳不過要人陪這感覺已經不對,我最後才了解一頁頁不忍翻閱的情節,
妳好累妳默背為我 掉過幾次淚,
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
スキマスイッチ - マリンスノウ
僕は孤独の海 放り出されて もうさ 溺れてしまうのかなぁ
とはいえ這い上がれない どうせ堕ちるなら朽ちて
君のこと 空気みたいだと思っていた 失くしたら息苦しくて
体がただ沈んでゆく 遠ざかっていく空 群青に埋まっていく
君のいない海を逃れようとしたけど 想い出の重さで泳げない
存在を愛情に求めていた 行為はカタチだけになっていた
感覚が鈍っていく 何も聴こえない 目を閉じてるかもわからない
君のしぐさ 君の中のぬくもり 浮かんでは消えていくんだ
世界が今断ち切られて 藻掻けば絡まり 絶望に染まっていく
誰もいない闇は記憶だけ残して 僕から全てを奪っていく
体がただ沈んでゆく 涙も叫びも深海がさらっていく
ずっとこのまま時間を超えて 深い意識の淵漂っていられたら
僕は一人 ここで生まれ変われるのかなぁ
君のいない海で生きていこうとしたけど 想い出の重さで、泳げない
Sunday, November 4, 2007
This inspires me to study harder.
Posted by lazycat at 00:20
Saturday, 6 October 2007
post 43. hospital days
today, due to last minute scans (MRI friday at the hospital i guess) for some of my patients, i had some spare time in the morning. so ended up seeing another patient with my clinical supervisor and another fellow student.
the new patient we saw was a 50 odd year old male who had a stroke a few days ago. when we first saw him, he was lying in bed and was not able to express himself - he could not speak, although i think he could understand what we said, and his face was quite expressionless, almost a mask. i found it pretty hard to give instructions to him cos his face was just so expressionless and he just wasn't talking. try talking to a wall and you'll start to get the same sense of frustration. it's much harder when you know it's a person on the other end.
after doing some muscle assessment, our supervisor wanted us to stand him up and walk him. so that was what we did. stood him up from bed, and seeing that his balance was good, we decided to walk him a bit.
when we were just walking out of the room door, his daughter came walking around the corner. when she saw him walking, she started crying out, "Dad, Dad! You're walking!" and started crying at the same time. he walked up to her and she gave him this tight hug. then she turned around and called out, "Mom! Dad's walking!"
the man disengaged himself from his daughter and continued walking out of the doorway. just a short distance away from the room door was a pair of ladies, apparently just following behind the first daughter and got held up and was talking to his doctor. one was younger, obviously another daughter, and the other lady was his wife.
when he saw his wife, he let out this great wrenching sob, which really surprised me because i never expected him to be able to express anything, and stumbled to her. and this lady turned to him, and her face just crumpled up when she saw him walking towards her and she started crying. and they stood there hugging and crying.
it got emotional. he was crying, his wife was crying, his daughters were crying, his son showed up halfway, and they were all crying and hugging and were just so happy to see him walking. they kept repeating with this amazed, grateful joy, "You're walking! You're walking!" even my supervisor was tearing a bit. i must say though, it was pretty pretty emotional.
and because this was in the corridor, it kinda held up the flow of lunch-hour traffic, but nobody minded. not a single bit.
we walked him back to his bed and left him with his family. our supervisor was still tearing a bit, and one of the senior nurses teased her, saying she had been crying every single day she had been working with the patient. our supervisor said this was the rewarding thing about working in neuro and she still gets affected by it.
i can see why.
Feel free to visit if you like to read more ^^